About the Owner

Hi everyone! My name is Charlotte, and I have been running Happyy.thrifts for the past four years! I’m from Maryland and am a sophomore in college. I love playing sports like soccer and basketball, hanging out with friends, drinking coffee, and thrifting :)
Ever since I was little, my dad (a.k.a my #1 thrifting partner) and I would go around to thrift stores and other places to find items to resell on places like eBay and Amazon. Although now we mostly hunt for unique and cute pieces for me to post for you all on this account, my passion for reselling and business was born then.
Running this business has truly given me opportunities I never thought possible, and I can’t thank you enough for that. I've met amazing people (thrift accounts and customers alike) that I can call friends, been interviewed for articles, and gained a true source of happiness in my life!
Thank you so much for visiting my online store!